Friday, December 31, 2010

Fit Mommy Final Week

Well, this week ended pretty crazy with major changes coming to our household.

Did I make my goal.  No.  But I got really super close.  I lost 17 pounds!!!  I met most of my other goals and am happy with the changes in my attitude change.

I can't wait to keep up with everything and see where I am in 6 months.

***Okay, so I was in a major panic thinking that I had missed the deadline for posting on Got Chai?  and didn't go back and read my goals.  It turns out that I DID MEET MY GOALS!!!  My goal was to lose 15lbs, drink my water, get enough sleep, workout 4 to 5 times a week.  I think those were it...and I DID IT!!!  Woohoo!!  I am doing a happy dance tonight!

Can't wait for the next 10 weeks!


  1. That's fabulous! I am so happy for you! Thanks for doing this with us and I am delighted you will be keeping on for 2011!

    Mrs. White

  2. YAY!!!! 17 pounds? Wow! Congratulations! I am proud of you!

  3. Oh, Renitaaaaa....Guess what??? ;o)

    YOU'RE THE WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Check your email, sweetie pie! :D

  4. Congratulations, Renita, on reaching your goals AND winning the grand prize. Enjoy!

  5. Congratulations on meeting your goals and winning the prize package! I look forward to reading about your future success!

  6. congratulations Renita~whoohoo! This is sooo cool~wow! YOU go girl! whoot! And what awesome changes you are making! HUGS!! Happy NEW YOU Year!!

  7. Great job! What a way to end the year!

    And enjoy the prizes.

    Happy New Year

    Annie Kate

  8. Congrats, what a true inspiration you are!! I am not giving up, I am using your inspiration to push forward and meet my goals! So glad you were our big winner!! You worked hard and certainly deserve it!


Please talk to me! Encourage me and hold my feet to the fire. But be as sweet as sugar while you do it!!